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Rockingham Crew Scores Behind-the-Scenes Tour of Channel 9 News!

The Rockingham crew had an absolute blast recently, finally getting their chance to visit the Channel 9 news studio in Perth! They’d been talking about it for ages, and thanks to the awesome David, one of their support workers, it all came together.

The excitement was electric, especially for Alex, a huge Channel 9 news fan. Imagine his face when he got to meet one of his favourite newsreaders and even snag a picture with them!

Their amazing tour guide, Bayley Howe, welcomed them warmly from start to finish. They were even lucky enough to be the second group to get a tour this year, as the new studios start to roll out more studio tours.

The crew got a peek at Monica Kos’ newsreader prep room, the room with all the screens broadcasting news across the country, and even met the news and editing teams. They got a behind-the-scenes look at different areas of the station, culminating in the grand finale: the main news studio where the 6pm news is filmed!

Everyone had a chance to sit in the anchor’s chair and feel like a real newsreader – photo ops guaranteed!

One of the biggest highlights for many was meeting newsreader Monika Kos. She was incredibly friendly and chatted with everyone.

For Ahmed, who’s interested in becoming a voice for people with disabilities in the media, the visit was extra special. His support worker, Craig, even connected with their tour guide, Bayley, who offered some great contacts to help Ahmed on his career path. Ahmed’s inspiration? The late Quentin Kenihan, a prominent Australian media figure with a disability.

The crew was blown away by the high-tech setup. No camera operators in the main studio? Apparently, everything’s remote-controlled from another room. And those handy scripts displayed right in front of the camera lens – it was very intuitive and everyone was amazed.

Craig mentioned that the whole experience was fantastic. The tour guides were totally relaxed about photos, and all the news staff were friendly and welcoming.

This trip was a perfect example of the Rockingham crew setting goals, working together (including mastering public transport on the trip!), and having a blast while achieving something they’d all been looking forward to. Who knows, maybe we’ll see a future news anchor from Rockingham on our screens someday!

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